Personal Savings Accounts

Manage Your Money With Ease

Ways to Save

Saver Account
Christmas Club
Designed to help you save for a specific goal
Designed to help you save for Christmas
Earn On Your Balance
0.85% APY* interest on balances up to $20,000¹
Your 51st deposit will be made by FSB¹
Monthly Pricing
$5 service charge per month²
No monthly charges
Minimum to Open
Instant Issue Debit Cards
Manage your accounts 24/7 with Online Banking
Online Banking with BillPay
Nationwide ATM Network

More Personal Savings Accounts

Interest & Bonuses: 
Certificates of Deposits (CDs) are a great way to save for the future. Our certificates of deposit are very flexible, giving you control over how your funds work for you. Your deposit will earn a market interest rate determined by rivaling rates.

6-Month – 4.83% APY* 4.74% APR  

13-Month – 4.28% APY* 4.21% APR  

24-Month – 3.00% APY* 2.96% APR  

*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 11-15-24

Ways to Save

Saver Account
Designed to help you save for a specific goal
Earn On Your Balance
0.85% APY* interest on balances up to $20,000¹
Monthly Pricing
$5 service charge per month²
Minimum to Open
Instant Issue Debit Cards
Manage your accounts 24/7 with Online Banking
Online Banking with BillPay
Nationwide ATM Network
Christmas Club
Designed to help you save for Christmas
Earn On Your Balance
Your 51st deposit will be made by FSB¹
Monthly Pricing
No monthly charges
Minimum to Open
Instant Issue Debit Cards
Manage your accounts 24/7 with Online Banking
Online Banking with BillPay
Nationwide ATM Network

More Personal Savings Accounts

Interest & Bonuses: 
Certificates of Deposits (CDs) are a great way to save for the future. Our certificates of deposit are very flexible, giving you control over how your funds work for you. Your deposit will earn a market interest rate determined by rivaling rates.

6-Month – 4.83% APY* 4.74% APR  

13-Month – 4.28% APY* 4.21% APR  

24-Month – 3.00% APY* 2.96% APR  

*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 11-15-24

Take Control of Your Future Today!

At First Service Bank, we care about your financial well-being. Our team is committed to providing excellent customer service every day as we help you save for your future. Open a savings account today!

¹Saver Account – APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The Saver is a variable tiered account: balances up to $20,000.00 = 0.85%; $20,000.01 and over = 0.65%. Rates are accurate as of 11-15-24 and can change at any time. Fees may reduce earnings. $100 minimum deposit to open.
Christmas Club Account – Make 50 deposits equal to the amount of the club denomination chosen, and your 51st deposit will be made by First Service Bank. Deposit will be made based on the amount of your club account. $1 minimum deposit to open. A maximum of $20 can be deposited at account opening. Offer is subject to change.

²Saver Account – $6 service charge per cycle if account falls below $100 during the cycle. Offer is subject to change. $5 service charge per month. (Service charge is waived when the primary owner enrolls in eStatements)

Certificates of Deposit Account – APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are accurate as of 11-15-24 and can change at any time. Early withdrawal will result in a penalty. Fees may reduce earnings. $10,000 minimum deposit to open. Offer is subject to change.

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