Security Center
The following links are educational tools which will help you to better understand how to protect yourself from these threats.
Common Consumer Financial Scams
Relative In Need
Someone who pretends to be a family member or friend calls or e-mails you to say they are in trouble and need you to wire money right away.
Charity Appeals
You get a call or letter from someone asking for money for a fake charity-either the charity does not exist or the charity did not call or write to you.
Lottery or sweepstakes
You get a call or e-mail that you have a chance to win a lot of money through a foreign country’s sweepstakes or lottery. The caller will offer tips about how to win if you pay a fee or buy something. Or the caller or e-mail says you already have won and you must give your bank account information or pay a fee to collect your winnings.
Home improvement
Scammers take money for repairs then they never return to do the work or they do bad work. Sometimes they break something to create more work or they say that things need work when they don’t.
Free Lunch
Scammers invite you to a free lunch and seminar, and then pressure you to give them information about your money, and to invest the money with them. They offer you “tips” or “guaranteed returns.”
Free Trip
Scammers say you’ve won a free trip but they ask for a credit card number or advance cash to hold the reservation.
Government money
You get a call or letter that seems to be from a government agency. Scammers say that if you give a credit card number or send a money order, you can apply for government help with housing, home repairs, utilities, or taxes.
Drug plans
Scammers pretend they are with Medicare prescription drug plans, and try to sell Medicare discount drug cards that are not valid. Companies and Medicare drug plans are not allowed to send unsolicited mail, emails, or phone calls.
Identity theft
Scammers steal personal information – such as a name, date of birth, Social Security number, account number, and mother’s maiden name – and use the information to open credit cards or get a mortgage in someone else’s name.
Fake “official” mail
Scammers send letters or e-mails that look like they are from a legitimate bank, business, or agency to try to get your personal information or bank account number.
Table provided by ©Gettechnical Inc. For more information about common fraud scams, visit the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s website at this link:
Protect Your Identity
- Never respond to unsolicited requests for your social security number (SSN) or financial data. We will never call you and ask for your account number, social security number or other personal information. However, if you call us, we may request this information to verify your identity.
- Before discarding, shred credit card, ATM receipts and any pre-approved credit offers you have received, but don’t plan to use.
- Check all credit card and bank statements for accuracy.
- Avoid easy to figure out access and personal ID (PIN) codes.
- Obtain a copy of your credit report yearly and check it for accuracy.
- Use only secure sites when making online purchases. Secure pages begin with “https.”
- Pay for online purchases by credit card to assure you get what you paid for and to limit your liability.
- Safeguard your SSN, and check Earnings and Benefit statements annually for fraudulent use.
If You Become A Victim
If you find you have become a victim of identity theft, immediately take the following actions: File a police report.
- Contact your banker.
- Notify all of those with whom you have a financial relationship.
- Tag accounts closed due to fraud. “Closed at consumers request.”
- Notify credit bureau fraud units.
- Establish a password for telephone inquiries on credit card accounts.
- Place a fraud alert statement on your credit report.
- Request bi-monthly copies of your credit report until your case is resolved.
- Report check theft to check verification companies.
- Check post office for unauthorized change of address requests.
- Follow-up contacts with letters and keep copies of all correspondence.
Children's Online Privacy Policy
First Service Bank does not knowingly market to or solicit information from children under 13 without parental consent. We recognize that protecting children’s identities and privacy online is important and that the responsibility to do so rests with both the online industry and the parents.
- Child means an individual under the age of 13;
- Collects or collection means the gathering of any personal information from a child by any means, including but not limited to:
- Requesting that children submit personal information online;
- Enabling children to make personal information publicly available through a chat room, message board, or other means, except where First Service Bank deletes all individual information from postings by children before they are made public and also deletes such information from the Bank’s records;
- The passive tracking or use of any identifying code linked to an individual, such as a cookie.
- Commission means the Federal Trade Commission;
- Delete means to remove personal information such that it is not maintained in retrievable form and cannot be retrieved in the normal course of business;
- Disclosure means, with respect to personal information:
- The release of personal information collected from a child in identifiable from for any purpose except where the collector provides such information to a person who provides support for the internal operations of the website or online service and who does not disclose or use that information for any other purpose. For purposes of this definition:
- Release of personal information means the sharing, selling, renting, or any other means of providing personal information to any third party, and
- Support for internal operations of the website or online service means those activities necessary to maintain the technical functioning of the website or online service, or to fulfill a request of a child as permitted by 312.5©(2)and (3) or
- Making personal information collected from a child by an operator publicly available in identifiable form, by any means, including by a public posting through the Internet, or through a personal home page posted on a website or online service; a pen pal service; an electronic mail service; a message board or a chat room.
- Federal Agency means an agency, as that term is defined in Section 551(1) of title 5, United States Code.
- Internet means collectively the myriad of computer and telecommunications facilities, including equipment and operating software, which comprise the interconnected world-wide network of networks that employ the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, or any predecessor or successor protocols to such protocol, to communicate information of all kinds by wire, radio or other methods of transmission.
- Online contact information means an e-mail address or any other substantially similar identifier that permits direct contact with a person online.
- Operator means any person who operates a website on the Internet or an online service and who collects or maintains personal information from or about the users of or visitors to such website or online service, or on whose behalf such information is collected or maintained, where such website or online service is operated for commercial purposes, including any person offering products or services for sale through that website or online service, involving commerce;
- Among the several States or with 1 or more foreign nations;
- In any territory of the United States or in the District of Columbia, or between any such territory and
- Another such territory and
- Any State or foreign nation; or
- Between the District of Columbia and any State, territory, or foreign nation. This definition does not include any non-profit entity that would otherwise be exempt from coverage under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 45).
- Parent includes a legal guardian;
- Person means any individual, partnership, corporation, trust, estate, cooperative, association, or other entity;
- Personal information means individually identifiable information about an individual collected online, including:
- A first and last name;
- A home or other physical address including street name and name of a city or town;
- An e-mail address or other online contact information, including but not limited to an instant messaging user identifier, or a screen name that reveals an individual’s e-mail address;
- A telephone number;
- A Social Security number;
- A persistent identifier, such as a customer number held in a cookie or a processor serial number, where such identifier is associated with individually identifiable information; or a combination of a last name or photograph of the individual with other information such as that the combination permits physical or online contacting; or
- Information concerning the child or the parents of that child that the operator collects online from the child and combines with an identifier described in this definition.
- Third party means any person who is not
- An operator with respect to the collection or maintenance of personal information on the website and online service; or
- A person who provides support for the internal operations of the website or online service and who does not use or disclose information protected under this part for any other purpose.
- Obtaining verifiable consent means making any reasonable effort (taking into consideration available technology) to ensure that before personal information is collected from a child, a parent of the child:
- Receives notice of the operator’s personal information collection, use and disclosure practices, and
- Authorizes any collection, use, and/or disclosure of the personal information.
- Website or online services directed to children means a commercial website or online service, or a portion thereof, that is targeted to children. Provided, however, that a commercial website or online service, or a portion thereof, shall not be deemed directed to children solely because it refers or links to a commercial website or online service directed to children by using information location tools, including a directory, index, reference, pointer, or hypertext link. In determining whether a commercial website or online service or a portion thereof, is targeted to children, the Commission will consider its subject matter, visual or audio content, age of models, language or other characteristics of the website or online service, as well as whether advertising promoting or appearing on the website or online service is directed to children. The Commission will also consider competent and reliable empirical evidence regarding the intended audience; and whether a site uses animated characters and/or child-oriented activities and incentives.
- Information Access
- We restrict access to information submitted through the website to those employees who need to know that information to provide products and/or services. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect this information.
- Information Collected
- Information collected may consist of the following:
- Name Address and length of time residing there Date of Birth Telephone Number E-mail address Driver’s license number Social Security number Mother’s maiden name Citizenship.
- Information is collected directly from the website, and not passively through the use of cookies or other identifiers.
- How Information is Used
- Information obtained through our website is not shared with or disclosed to a third party, except as permitted by law and is used only to fulfill a requested transaction. Your child’s personal information will not be disclosed publicly, i.e., through chat rooms, message boards or e-mail accounts.
- Parents have the right to view any information submitted by a child and to have First Service Bank delete the information and refuse to permit any further collection. Every reasonable effort will be made to contact a parent if a child submits personal information and before the information is used in any way. Contact may be through postal mail, e-mail or telephone. A form will be provided for the parent to request deletion of information and/or refusal to allow the further collection or use of the child’s information. No information requested from your child will be conditioned on participation in a game, the offering of a prize, or another activity on the child’s disclosure of personal information.
Notice To Parents
Parents have the right to view any information submitted by a child and to have First Service Bank delete the information and refuse to permit any further collection. Every reasonable effort will be made to contact a parent if a child submits personal information and before the information is used in any way. Contact may be through postal mail, e-mail or telephone. A form will be provided for the parent to request deletion of information and/or refusal to allow the further collection or use of the child’s information. Notice will also be given if there is any material change in the collection and/or disclosure practices to which you may have previously consented.
If information collected contains the child’s e-mail address or other online contact information, more than one contact with the child may be required. The contact information has been collected to protect the safety of the child participating on the website or online service.
No information requested from your child will be conditioned on participation in a game, the offering of a prize, or another activity on the child’s disclosure of personal information.
If the parent fails to respond to contact efforts made by First Service Bank within a reasonable time period, the information submitted may be used to fulfill the child’s requested transaction.