Your First Service Bank cards may work at local ATM machines in the destination you are traveling to. If you will be traveling to a location outside your normal activity, please contact us to let us know. Besides making it easier to report if you card is stolen during your travels and avoiding having your card mistakenly flagged for potential fraudulent behaviour, we can also confirm if your card will work during your travels and at which ATMs, that your PIN number will be accepted, and to determine if any charges apply for each transaction.
We recommend carrying only a few major credit cards. Credit card purchases often provide an extra guarantee on your purchase (check with your specific credit card company for details and fees). It is advisable to contact any credit card company you intend on utilizing while on tour before you depart to notify them where you will be traveling, to avoid any rejection of services.
If optional tours are made available to purchase, please note that credit cards must have an expiration date of greater than 30 days from the start of the tour.
Converting Currency
For the most current currency exchange rates, check out - they also have apps for iPhones, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phones, and more.
You may exchange your money at airports, banks, exchange bureaus, and at some hotels. In most cases, a commission charge will be assessed to exchange your money. Locations in the city usually offer a better currency exchange rate than airports.